Typical deceitful tactics used by leftist candidates

I was looking at the campaign website of Gretchen Whitmer, who recently won the Democratic candidacy for the governor of Michigan, and I noticed some deceitful tactics that she used when she spoke about “women’s issues.”

First of all, her website is making totally  false claims about the supposed “wage gap” issue.  It says “.. Women still struggle with inequity in Michigan’s economy, earning just 74 cents for every dollar their male counterparts earn for the same work.”

Wait.. for the same work?!

Here is what an online “fact sheet” says about the wage gap.. “In Michigan, median annual pay for a woman who holds a full-time, year-round job is $37,486 while median annual pay for a man who holds a full-time, year-round job is $50,479.  This means that women in Michigan are paid 74 cents for every dollar paid to men, amounting to an annual wage gap of $12,993.”

.. But how is that for the same work though?  It’s not!

She then fear mongers that Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is going to overturn Roe vs. Wade and she outlines what she would do if that happens, however Kavanaugh is certainly not going to do that.  (A lot of online articles from leftist publications try to paint Kavanaugh as some sort of a pro-life zealot because of a controversy of him not allowing an undocumented immigrant who was being held in a federal shelter to get an abortion, but him doing that definitely doesn’t mean that he will overturn Roe vs. Wade.)

Whitmer came to my attention because she won the candidacy for governor over Abdul el-Sayed, who is one of the “Democratic Socialist” candidates that Ocasio-Cortez endorsed.  I think perhaps Cortez knew that el-Sayed was projected to lose and she endorsed him knowing it would happen in a high profile manner, as a continuation of a potential agenda of giving false reassurance to opponents of extreme leftist agendas.

Whitmer seems to be rather extreme herself, and her site doesn’t even mention her stances on most of the controversial issues.  She is another one of those “Emily’s list” candidates.