The Trump / LeBron James controversy is Establishment calculated divisiveness

Many people are labeling Trump’s recent statement which insults the intelligence of LeBron James and Don Lemon as being “racist,” but really that isn’t actually the case because Trump never mentioned their race.  However, James is a hero to many African Americans so obviously Trump’s statement has been calculated to be off-putting to people in that demographic.

But the situation goes deeper than that.  It starts with recent statements that James made saying Trump is “using sports to divide the nation.”  It is true that Trump has made “divisive” statements about Colin Kirkpatrick’s behavior of kneeling during the national anthem in the past, and Kirkpatrick’s behavior has been divisive itself.

Like most major sports celebrities, apparently both Colin Kirkpatrick (link, link) and LeBron James are associated with the Illuminati establishment.  And like all Presidents, Trump is also apparently a member of the Illuminati as well.  None of those people would be allowed to be in those positions if the political Establishment didn’t have a large degree of control over them.

In other words, when it comes to this controversy, the people involved are apparently being stage managed by the political Establishment to reinforce divisiveness in order to ensure that Trump’s base doesn’t expand beyond its current demographics.

The Establishment has been doing whatever it can to ensure that minority groups don’t identify with Trump, because they want such people to remain on the Democratic “reservation,” continuing to vote as they’ve been manipulated into doing and being kept dependent on the government’s assistance as a means of controlling them.