Europe is quickly becoming a totalitarian state

[Note: March 8, 2020— I have revamped this article.]

Europe has increasingly been becoming a repressive totalitarian state, with exactly the same political Establishment being responsible for its current problems as has been responsible for the World Wars that have ravaged it during the last century.

How could Europeans not have learned from what has happened to them?  The specific laws that outlaw free speech in Europe are a direct cause of the serious (and soon to be fatal) problems that Europeans are experiencing now.

I’m amazed by how so many Europeans have turned into uninformed politically correct zombies.  What most don’t realize is that the same people who are telling them what to think now have been telling them what to think during World Wars I and II, and for the same ultimate agendas!

What sort of a society thinks that it is acceptable to criminalize free speech?!  Europeans need to wake up about what is happening to them.