Why isn’t the “Village Voice” newspaper mentioning veganism?

I think it’s interesting that the Village Voice newspaper which touts itself as “New York News, Food, Culture and Events” really isn’t accommodating of vegan culture at all.  I’m sure that a lot of its readers are vegan or at least they like vegan (and raw vegan) food, so why isn’t there any mention of that anywhere?

For example, I saw the “Best New Restaurants of 2017” article that is featured, but all of the restaurants that it mentions are traditional and meat-serving.  In fact the first restaurant on the list serves “foie gras torchon, doled out in stout pucks the size of stereo receiver dials..,” ect.. Foie gras, really?  All of the the rest of the restaurants on the list are the meat serving type as well, with none of them being vegan or raw vegan restaurants!

Also, the homepage of the newspaper currently has all sorts of pictures of big piles of hot dogs and meat barbecues, and the “Ask New Yorkers: What’s on the Grill” article doesn’t even feature a single group of people having a vegan barbecue.  They couldn’t find anybody doing that?

In New York people have the option to go to vegan restaurants as easily as any other, so I wonder why the stories aren’t focusing on that at all.  The newspaper has potential to be influential, so why is it only following meat eating habits?

Europe is quickly becoming a totalitarian state

[Note: March 8, 2020— I have revamped this article.]

Europe has increasingly been becoming a repressive totalitarian state, with exactly the same political Establishment being responsible for its current problems as has been responsible for the World Wars that have ravaged it during the last century.

How could Europeans not have learned from what has happened to them?  The specific laws that outlaw free speech in Europe are a direct cause of the serious (and soon to be fatal) problems that Europeans are experiencing now.

I’m amazed by how so many Europeans have turned into uninformed politically correct zombies.  What most don’t realize is that the same people who are telling them what to think now have been telling them what to think during World Wars I and II, and for the same ultimate agendas!

What sort of a society thinks that it is acceptable to criminalize free speech?!  Europeans need to wake up about what is happening to them.