A Chick-fil-A restaurant manager offers a free meal to a homeless man outside the restaurant

[Note:  March 8, 2020— I’m a vegan who doesn’t eat chicken, however I respect the good intentions of the store manager.]

The following is summarized from a DailyMail article:

A homeless man was selling CDs outside of a Chick-fil-A restaurant in Bowling Green, Kentucky, which prompted the manager of the restaurant to come out and give him a free bag of food with an offer to eat inside the restaurant.  She said, “Because of your sign we can’t let you solicit.  You are more than welcome to dine in and be our guest.”

The man who recorded the video said that he doesn’t know the manger but she has always seemed to act very professionally.

The Village Voice newspaper is running a cover story claiming that one out of every four women who wear Hijabs in New York City have been assaulted in its subways

A strange article in the Village Voice newspaper entitled “The Sexual Assault Epidemic That No One Is Talking About” claims that one out of every four women who wear hijabs has been assaulted while riding in the subway systems of New York City.  However, I think that is almost certainly a false or exaggerated claim based on everything that I know about New Yorkers and the nature of the city’s subway system.

Even more strangely, the title of the article mentions “sexual” assaults, but the actual content of the article essentially doesn’t mention sexual assaults at all but rather it talks about how women are supposedly being attacked by having hot coffee thrown on them or by being pushed or shoved on the subway platforms.

The article claims that Muslim woman warn each other on social media after high profile Islamic terrorist attacks: “Be careful, be cautious, don’t walk too close to the platform edge.”— Saying that they are worried that people will actually push them onto the tracks or into the path of oncoming trains, but I doubt that is something for them to actually be concerned about.

So then, what are the characteristics of the people who the article claims are attacking the women?  It says “… New Yorkers from these backgrounds face high rates of bias-based harassment, discrimination, and violence, … our country’s growing climate of hate isn’t isolated to Southern cities or Republican strongholds.”— Oh I see, it’s conservative Republicans who physically attack people!  Also the article mentions “the 2016 election” a few times implying that it is some sort of a cause of a rash of “Islamophobic” attacks, which actually hasn’t happened.  Does video exist of any of the attacks that the article mentions?

So in other words, if the dubious claims that the article makes aren’t questionable enough, it then goes on to ridiculously imply that it’s Trump supporters who are the cause of the assaults!

It is usually rare for people to be attacked in New York which is generally a very peaceful city for its size and population density.  Of course anything is possible, but overall it is a very diverse and tolerant place.  I think if someone were to actually attack a woman wearing a Hijab it would usually cause a commotion and quite a reaction.

The story is written based on the results of an obviously politically biased survey created by the “New York City’s Commission on Human Rights.”  Presumably the creators of the survey either altered the results of their findings, or when many women filled out the survey they may have simply embellished their claims thinking that it wouldn’t hurt to do so because perhaps it would somehow be helpful for their demographic in general.

I’m sure that most New Yorkers reading the article would just roll their eyes and skip to reading the next story, with few if any actually bothering to mention anything about it.  Therefore the article will continue to live on in the search engines to be used for backing up exaggerated claims of “Islamophobia” for the purpose of justifying harmful leftist agendas.