Many horrifying migrant related news stories have come out of Europe over the past few days

Image from BigStockPhoto.

I’m seeing many news stories on the “Voice of Europe” website about migrant related issues in Europe over the past few days.

People in the United States should be terrified about voting for supposedly “well-meaning” leftist Democrats in the upcoming November elections, they work for the same political Establishment who brought the following problems to Europe.  The following are the sorts of situations that politicians associated with groups like the corrupt Establishment organization “Emily’s List” will bring to the United States if they are elected.

“UK: Three-year-old boy suffers serious burns after deliberate acid attack in Worcester” — A three year old child in the UK has been taken to the hospital suffering severe burns to his face resulting from a deliberate acid attack in a Home Bargains store, with the police releasing surveillance footage of three men who were responsible. —

“Very low sentences for African migrants after ‘bloody gang rape’ of 13-year-old girl in Sweden” — Four Somalian migrants raped a 13 year old girl in Sweden while making videos of it which they shared on social media, and a Swedish court has just halved their punishment from eight months to four and five months in juvenile detention while the fourth could not be punished because he was underage —

“Syrian migrant arrested for raping 13-year-old Swedish girl” — A 13 year old girl was raped on a beach in Skåne, Sweden by a 16 year old Syrian migrant, and a football team who was nearby on the beach subdued the attacker and held him down until the police arrived and apprehended him. —

“Afghan migrant stabs 18-year-old Norwegian boy to death for no reason” — An 18 year old man in Vadsø, Norway was stabbed to death by an Afghan migrant while working in a supermarket. —

“Adult migrant men are marrying children to qualify for EU passports in Sweden” — Adult Muslim migrants are marrying child brides in order to quality for receiving EU passports in Sweden. —

“7-year-old boy chased and injured by knifeman in a Liverpool park” — A seven year old boy was chased and attacked by an 18 year old knife-wielding gang member in Worcester, UK, injuring the boy’s arm —

“UN already had plans to replace Europeans with 159 million migrants 18 years ago” — A UN report that was published in the year 2000 entitled “Replacement Migration: a solution to an ageing population decline” states that 159 million migrants should come to Europe by 2025 —

Internet content providers should be warned by activists “give fair access or we’ll boycott you”

Earlier today I wrote a post that explained why it I think it would be a bad idea for the government to be involved with mandating who private social media platforms must be allowed to use their services, but I do agree that major media companies should be fair with their practices anyway.

I think it should be made in the best interest of such companies to be fair to their users without needing the government to be involved in that process.  For example, new companies who are in fact fair to their users could arise as competition that would soon become popular in place of the companies who discriminate.

I think it is mostly a matter of activists keeping track of the companies who are unfair to their users and making sure that people are aware of those  companies, and it is also important for alternative companies to be promoted.

This video explains problems with the major internet content providers such as Google..

I think it is mostly a matter of people being made more aware of issues with the problem companies and informing them of effective alternatives.  For example, other search engines than Google exist that don’t track users, such as “”