An SNL skit about a “men’s rights activist”

I grew up watching the Saturday Night Live television show, and I often find it to be entertaining, however I notice that sometimes it tries to incorporate Establishment agendas into its skits.

For example, this skit is about a “men’s rights activist” who is attending a women’s get-together with his new girlfriend from Venezuela.  The joke is that she doesn’t understand that he’s actually an “anti-woman” activist..

Since the guy labels himself as a “men’s rights activist,” it shows that he apparently does view himself as favoring men’s rights over women’s rights, so I agree with the women about being put off by that.  The guy is in fact “anti-women” due to how his character is presented, but the actual views that he has aren’t typically anti-women despite often being accused of being that way.

The first issue that is mentioned is the one of “the right of men to make more money than women.”  The “wage gap” is often deceitfully portrayed as women statistically making much less money than men do when working the same jobs, but in fact men and women usually make the same amount of money when working the same jobs in Western countries, so there is definitely no reason to implement fascist (or even Communist) leftist government controls in businesses to force men and women to be paid the same!  I think being opposed to such controls being imposed is definitely the “correct” view.

.. But actually, his view “would” be the correct one if the writers didn’t also have him additionally say “If they are men”, which made his argument be that he thinks that only men should be paid more.  In that way they misrepresent the common augment against implementing invasive government controls to enforce “equal wages,” in order to make it seem sexist to allow businesses the right to pay people based only on their merit without “Big Brother” mandating everyone’s wages.

It’s also interesting that his girlfriend is from Venezuela, which is currently reeling from the effects of totalitarian Communism that has left many people so hungry that some are even resorting to eating rats, so she should in fact actually understand the arguments against the problems that are caused by extreme leftist government controls.

The next issue mentioned is the guy’s activism being responsible for closing down two “Planned Parenthood” clinics.  I personally have pro-choice views, but I think people should have the right to have pro-life views, of course.  Also many people are opposed to Planned Parenthood for a lot of reasons, including it being involved with behavior such as selling body parts from abortions.  I don’t think being opposed to abortions is “anti-women.”  Obviously many women are opposed to abortions as well.