In this video, Alex Jones explains the hypocrisy of Democrats criticizing Donald Trump for alleged sexual misconduct while Biden himself is well known for creepy behavior including inappropriately groping young girls, Tim Kane has defended some of the worst violent criminals and inappropriately exonerated them, Hillary Clinton supports regimes that sexually mutilate young girls, and Obama has endorsed and hosted rappers who communicate sexist and violent messages.
Day: November 3, 2016
Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, and Juanita Broaddrick— all rape victims of Bill Clinton— explain why they are terrified of Hillary
Aaron Klein of the Breitbart media outlet speaks with Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, and Juanita Broaddrick, all of who have been victims of sexual assault by Bill Clinton. They explain that Hillary is a “fake feminist” who has been an “enabler,” knowingly helping to cover up for Bill Clinton’s crimes and threatening his victims.
Kathleen Willey: “Hillary Clinton is a fake feminist. No woman who advocates for women attacks victims of sexual assault, be it by her husband, or anybody else. And that’s the reason that I’m here, because I want everyone to know that this woman is not an advocate for women. …”
(Interviewer) Aaron Klien: “But she is making video after video, it’s a huge part of her campaign. What do you say to the millennial voters out there who see this and believe that Hillary stands for women?”
Juanita Broaddrick: “I think they need to research and understand that Hillary is not for women. They need to research what Bill Clinton and she did to all of us.”
Paula Jones: “Absolutely, they called us bimbos, ‘drag a hundred dollar bills through a trailer park and you don’t know what you’re going to come back with,’ ‘the bimbo eruption,’ she hasn’t tried to talk to any of us women. …”
Aaron Klien: “What do you think about her calling you bimbos? You are the women who were called that name.”
Juanita Broaddrick: “Oh, I think it was so disrespectful. But that’s how she tried to get a handle on the situation— she was disrespectful to all of us. And she had people handle this— what she called ‘bimbo eruptions’.”
Paula Jones: “Instead of reaching out to us and asking us, and finding out for her herself weather she believes us or not, then she would have known. But she didn’t care to, instead she just kept going about us being ‘unworthy,’ we were just ‘bimbos,’ we were ‘white trash,’ all of that, and that’s exactly what she’s always done. If she really cared about us as women— We are women, aren’t we? …”
Kathleen Willey: “We’ve been called ‘bimbos’, ‘whores’, ‘sluts’, ‘trailer trash’, ‘looney tunes’— and why should she get a pass? She’s got a lot of nerve.”
Paula Jones: “All the things Bill Clinton has done— She’s defended him, she’s accepted it, she’s covered up for him.”
Aaron Klien: “Do you three believe that Hillary is an ‘enabler’? Is that the right terminology to use for her?”
All three: “Absolutely.”
Juanita Broaddrick: “Oh, my goodness, there’s not a better word for any of this, especially when she threatened me personally.”
Kathleen Willey: “She’s complicit in everything he’s done.”
Paula Jones: “She’s helped him do it.”
Aaron Klien: “The rhetoric— the conversation that is happening is: ‘Well, you three and others are about Bill’s “infidelities”. This is just about Bill Clinton and his infidelities, that’s all.’ What do you have to say about that? …”
All three: “‘Infidelities’? — It’s not ‘indiscretions’ at all!”
Paula Jones: “We didn’t agree to do this stuff— he pushed this stuff on us.”
Juanita Broaddrick: “It is criminal. We were not willing to do the acts that he performed. We were not willing participants. These were crimes!”
Paula Jones: “This is criminal stuff here.”
Kathleen Willey: “This is what I would like to say— ‘rape’, ‘physical sexual assault’, ‘sexual harassment’. I want to say this to the mainstream media— ‘Andrea Mitchell, Jake Kaper, all of these people.’ There are not ‘infidelities’! A ‘rape’ is not an ‘infidelity’. These are crimes any other people would be in jail for. They would be in jail for a very long time. … This is about a serial rapist— a predator, and his wife who has enabled his behavior all of these years. She’s taken personal betrayals and turned them into political opportunities, and it’s just that simple.”
Paula Jones: “She exposed himself to me. That’s a crime. …”
Kathleen Willey: “These are not infidelities!”
Aaron Klien: “So in other words, its not just about Bill— People are also saying ‘So Bill raped Juanita Broaddrick, Bill sexually assaulted Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones. But that’s Bill’s issue. Hillary has nothing to do with that.’”
Kathleen Willey: “And there’s [other victims]!”
Juanita Broaddrick: “It’s NOT [just about Bill]. She’s turned a blind eye for decades against what he has done. And she’s been the main one to help cover this up, and go after us.”
Aaron Klien: “Going after you, intimidation and other things— what if she becomes President? Really, let’s just contemplate this for a minute— Hillary Clinton in charge of the military, Hillary Clinton in charge of the CIA, the NSA, multiple intelligence agencies. Hillary Clinton— the most powerful person in the world. That about that for a minute. What does that do to you?”
Paula Jones: “It terrifies me, it should terrify all women. All people.”
Kathleen Willey: “It should terrify all men and women. She will annihilate any enemy, all of her enemies, anybody who’s spoken against her. Across the board for I don’t know how many years. She will get rid of them. She will spend her entire administration ruining these people— that’s what she will do instead of running the country.”
Paula Jones: “How can Americans not be frightened about this? Do do they think we are sitting here, the three of us, and making this stuff up? How can they not be in fear for this woman to run our country? And to sit up there and pretend that she cares about anybody— much less a female. And we are scared for our lives, basically. Anything could happen, she could do anything or say anything. Because she’s gotten away with everything. The Clinton’s have gotten away with absolutely everything. Nothing ever sticks to them.”
Hillary Clinton defended and exonerated a man who she knew was guilty of brutally raping a 12 year old girl
In this video, Paul Watson of explains how Hillary Clinton defended a man who brutally raped a twelve year old girl and then laughed about helping him to get away with it.
Kathy Shelton was beaten and raped on the side of a desolate Arkansas road by 41 year old Thomas Alfred Tailor in 1975, and he was defended by a young Hillary Clinton who set out to destroy Cathy Shelton’s credibility by smearing her.
Hillary claimed the victim was “emotionally unstable,” had “fantasized about having sex with older men,” and she “romanticized the experience” despite the fact that Shelton spent five days in a coma and ten years in therapy after the attack. Hillary Clinton— the so-called “woman’s rights champion”— blamed the rape victim.
Its is shown that the crime lab cut out a part of Shelton’s underwear to test it and found body fluids of Tailor mixed in with Shelton’s blood. So Hillary Clinton took the rest of the underwear absent the part that had already been cut out and had it tested 1,200 miles away in New York, where it tested negative— and then the initial part of the underwear became “mysteriously lost.” Also the judge in the case was a Clinton Campaign donor.
Due to Hillary’s actions, the prosecution had to pursue lesser charges and the rapist only ended up serving two months in jail when he should have been imprisoned for life.
Clinton was then recorded saying about the incident: “Oh, he plea bargained! Got him off with time served in the county jail, he’d been in the county jail about two months.”
Then in 2014, a tape emerged where Hillary was heard laughing about the moment when she presented her forensic evidence, saying “Well, this guy’s ready to come from New York to prevent this miscarriage of Justice! [laughs]” And on the same tape, she said, “He took a lie detector test! I had him take a polygraph, which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs. [ laughs] … But what was sad about it is that the prosecutors had evidence.”
Also see this Daily Mail UK article about the issue.
Video: “The Clinton Chronicles— The Bill Clinton Murders”
This video exposes much of the horribly corrupt background of the Clinton family from the start of Bill Clinton’s rise in politics in Arkansas up until the end of his Presidential Administration.
[Note: December 31, 2024— I have re-uploaded this video with a different version than was previously posted on this page.]