A leftist youth center in Germany has reported that its outreach to migrants has resulted in a huge increases in sex attacks, brawling, and theft

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The following is a summary of this Breitbart article

A far-left political club and youth center in Leipzig, Germany called “Conne Island” issued a statement admitting it’s attempts to incorporate migrants has resulted in a huge increase in sex attacks, fighting, and thefts.

The statement says that women are now avoiding dance nights due to fears of being harassed, and it condemns the tendency of leftist to trivialize the sex attacks due to the fact they are being committed by migrants.

Last year, the club’s staff was concerned about reports of “right-wing mobs” greeting migrants with verbal and physical abuse, which prompted attempts to “reach out to newcomers” by organizing skateboarding and bicycling workshops along with German lessons to “promote integration,” as well as lowering the entrance fee to just 50 cents for migrants to visit the club.

As a result of the decision, sex attacks and violent confrontations at dance nights soared, making female guests begin to avoid the club.

“To integrate young migrants just by celebrating together turned out to be quite a naive plan, it was simply not enough to hang multilingual posters outlining how to behave at parties,” the statement said.

One security guard reported that leftist activists would yell at the door staff whenever they tried to throw migrants out, accusing them of racism, leading the migrants to then also accuse the security of racism every time they were challenged.

“It’s a very difficult situation for us to express all of this because we don’t want to play into the hands of the Alternative for Germany and Christian Democratic Union party’s racism,” Conne Island said, then adding: “However, the situation is so tense and stressful for many victims and also Conne Island staff that avoiding talking about the facts no longer seems appropriate.”

The statement condemns the leftist activist’s excusing, concealing, or trivializing the migrant’s bad behavior, saying “There should be no double standards” when it comes to sexism, homophobia, and anti-Semitism.

Earlier in the year, a number of clubs modified their door policies after witnessing a massive increase in sexual assaults, attacks on bouncers, and pick-pocketing, which infuriated many leftist groups who say discrimination against migrants is always unacceptable.

Conne Island wrote: “The ‘cry for help’ of the left-wing White Rabbit club in Freiburg and the reactions from the press and leftist circles clearly showed how difficult this subject is; Solidarity [with victims of sexual assault], solidarity with refugees, [the issue of] playing into right-wing attitudes. We must recognize that wearing a ‘refugees welcome’ badge does not automatically make problems go away.”

A Moroccan migrant was arrested in Germany after he raped a 90-year-old grandmother who was returning from church

Image from Wikipedia.

Following is a summary of this Express UK article

Police have arrested a 19 year old Moroccan Migrant in Dusseldorf, Germany, for raping a 90 year old woman who had been attending church services.  The man attacked her as she was leaving the church, pushing her into a narrow alley between two pubs, where he demanded money from her and sexually assaulted her.

The police were able to create a likeness of the man, and the police then arrested him at a train station.  The DNA of the man who previously lived in Spain matches the traces found at the crime scene.  The man has previously been arrested for robbing a teenager in May this year.

The woman was treated in the hospital at the time and then released the following day.

The news comes as the chief of the German police union Rainer Wendt said that migrants were “laughing” at the German justice system because they are often allowed to go free after their crimes.  “They despise our country and laugh at our justice,” he said.  “If there is no pre-trial detention made, no imprisonment is imposed, and no deportations carried out then the police make multiple arrests and the perpetrators get away with it,” he added.

Wendt also referred to the “Casablanca Report” that documents 2,244 north African migrant criminals in the city of Dusseldorf, and he said the figures were similar for other German cities around the country.