Four “Black Lives Matter” supporters got a slap on the wrist for nearly killing a white teen who criticized the organization


Following is a summary of a DailyMail article

Four black men have been arrested in Alabama on October 11 who viciously attacked a 17 year old white Alabama high school student who posted information criticizing the “Black Lives Matter” organization and expressed support for the pro-police “Blue Lives Matter” organization, however the suspects only received charges of assault despite nearly killing their victim.


(Staring from top-left) Quartez Walker, Bobby Brown, Daveon Nix, and La Noah Ealy Jr

Brian Ogle was attacked in a parking lot by the men on September 30 following a Friday night football game, suffering skull fractures after being repeatedly hit in the face with the butt of a gun.  Police found him bleeding from his head, and he was immediately airlifted to a hospital in nearby Birmingham to be treated for three skull fractures as well as injuries to his shoulders, the Daily Caller reported.

Two of the suspects were taken into custody at Stillman College— Quartez Walker, 20, and Bobby Brown, 19.  La Noah Ealy Jr, 18, was arrested at Auburn University in Montgomery, and Daveon Nix, 20, was arrested in Sylacauga.

Walker was booked on a first-degree assault charge, and the rest were charged with second-degree assault charges.  Walker’s bond was set at $20,000 and the rest are being held on $15,000 each.

Talladega County District Attorney Steve Giddens said Walker was charged with a more serious criminal count because he believes that he was the only one in the group armed with a gun, which he used to strike Ogle.

The suspect Daveon Nix is the son of a newly elected local councilwoman, Tiffany Nix.

Ogle’s mother lamented the lack of serious charges being brought against his son’s attackers and the bonds for the assailants being set too low.  “Obviously, people get charged with lesser crimes every day and their bonds are way higher than this,” Brandi Allen told the station WSFA.  In an interview with, she added that she thought the four suspects should have been charged with attempted murder.

[The website “Blue Lives Matter” said the following:  “Ogle’s mother has maintained from the onset of this investigation that it is a ‘hate crime’ and should be treated as such. The low bond amounts and charges would suggest that the prosecutors don’t care that Brian Ogle would have died from the assault if not for swift medical intervention.  Ogle is expected to suffer permanent damage that he will carry for the rest of his life. … All four suspects are expected to be able to easily post bond with such low amounts.”]

Brandi Allen told WBRC at the time that she believed her son was a target because of videos he posted on his Facebook account which expressed support for the pro-police “Blue Lives Matter” movement.  She said that her son began receiving threatening messages from schoolmates who were unhappy over his Facebook posts, and the school officials did nothing after he reported the threats he was receiving.

According to the article, following are two things Ogle posted on his Facebook page which led to him being attacked:


In this video, “Joey Salads” tries a social experiment of holding a “Black Lives Matter” sign in a white neighborhood, and an “all lives matter” sign in a black neighborhood.

[Note— October 18, 2016:  I think this video over-generalizes.  Obviously not all black neighborhoods would behave that way, but it is reasonable to think that it could happen in many areas, such as happened to Ogle.]

[ANOTHER Note— October 19, 2016:  The activist Mark Dice has explained that a recent YouTube video created by “Joey Salads” has deceptively been staged— where a car is presented as supposedly being destroyed by thugs on hidden camera, but it turns out that the entire situation was orchestrated.]

A Muslim university student in Colorado Springs has been accused of using a skewer to force an abortion of his girlfriend’s baby

Following is a summary of this Gazette article

A Saudi Arabian man who was attending the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs was arrested and charged with killing his girlfriend’s unborn child against her will using a metal shishkebab, and he could receive a life sentence in prison if the allegations of unlawful termination of a pregnancy and sexual assault are proved.

Ahmed Sameer Almesbahi, 23, a Saudi Arabian native in the U.S. on a student Visa, was arrested after police obtained evidence which supports claims of his companion who is a Kazakh immigrant and graduate student.  The evidence includes medical records showing she had been pregnant in 2015 and a cell phone picture of the aborted fetus, which she expelled in a bathroom at a shopping mall.

The woman claimed that they married in a Muslim religious ceremony, but he denies that it took place and describes her as his girlfriend.  They met on a Muslim dating site in 2012 and previously lived together in Denver before moving to Colorado Springs.

Almesbahi is also charged with witness intimidation, due to allegedly  threatened the woman to stay away from court after he was cited for domestic violence in 2015 .  The charges in that case were ultimately dismissed.

The police are saying that Almesbahi comes from a wealthy family and allegedly told that woman that his father would kill him unless they got rid of the pregnancy.

He is free on $150,000 bond.

An Eritrean migrant was arrested for attacking and horribly disfiguring a Somalian migrant in Germany

Image from Wikipedia.

Following is a summary of this Express UK article

An asylum seeker is under arrest in Germany after biting off the lips, ears and eyelids of another migrant before stabbing him in the throat and both eyes.  The attack happened on the evening of October 7 in the town of Schlüchtern, which is close to Frankfurt.  The attacker is being held on assault and attempted murder charges, which prosecutors may upgrade to attempted murder.

Police were called when a resident in refugee accommodation heard loud screams.  The police broke down a door to find the 19 year old attacker sitting on top of his 18 year old victim.

The cause of the dispute is unclear, but the prosecutor said “ritualistic” elements to the assault could not be ruled out.  The victim was taken to a specialist clinic, where he is alive but in deep shock and he is unaware of his environment.

“The investigating authorities have never experienced such a form of violence here before.  The victim was cruelly mutilated and he must reckon with the permanent damage.  It is unclear whether he will be permanently blinded,” said a police spokesman

Video of a frenzied refugee in Austria shouting “Allahu Akbar,” throwing himself onto a car and climbing a tram, nearly electrocuting himself

(Note 5/7/19:  The original video is no longer online— The above video is an archive of it .. )

“Citizens in the Austrian capital couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw a refugee in what appears to be a religious frenzy, throwing himself on the hood of a driving car while shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ in the Vienna Absberggasse on Saturday.”