Video: “What a woman in hijab is really saying to you”

Jamie Glazov from The Glazov Gang explains issues with Islam and the wearing of the Hijab by Muslim women.

Following is a summary of his statements:

Islam is not a race, but rather it is an ideology, and pro-Islamic propaganda is constantly being put out by leftist sources due to their alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood and Islam.  The left always aligns itself with adversarial tyrannical cultures.

Many well meaning people are brainwashed, indoctrinated and intimidated into not questioning Islam or speaking out about issues such as women being forced to wear hijabs.  Any criticism or attempt to fight against Sharia law and Jihad is now seen as bigotry.  The political left is shaping our culture and boundaries of discourse and it is important to fight for the truth.

The hijab is not about “modesty” or “fashion,” but rather it is symbol of commitment to Sharia law which is hateful toward non-Muslims.  Ideologies include the “Kafir” (non-Muslims) being thought of as being unequal, therefore a hijab is an indication of the woman wearing it having an assumption that non-Muslims are “inferior Kafir,” as they are expected to think under Islamic law.

[Note: Updated March 5, 2020—  I agree with this video except when hijabs are compared to KKK robes.  I think there are some similarities between them but not entirely, with a  difference being the fact that KKK robes are intended to strike fear into the hearts of those who see them, and hijabs are not intended to do that.

Another comparison that I hear frequently is likening Islam to Nazism during World War II, and I do think that is a valid comparison on many levels because of the totalitarian mentalities of the two including their stated goals of taking over the world, because of their contempt of “others,” and also because of common extreme antisemitism.  And also like in Nazism, Muslims are a part of Islam simply because they have been born into it and many are mostly unaware of negative aspects of their ideologies.  See this link for more information about that issue.]

Women who wear hijabs are also “hostages” and “inmates in a prison”— they are imprisoned in the ideological, tyrannical system of Islam.  The hijab isn’t about modesty, it is about fear and imprisonment.

Many people are under the impression that Muslim women have freedom to choose whether to wear a hijab, however the truth is that women are almost always actually forced to wear them in Islamic society.

Every time Sharia law exists, every time there is an Islamic state with Islamic laws applied, the Islamic clergy always points to Quran (33:59) which mandates that woman cover themselves:  “O Prophet!  Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested.”

… So in other words, such covering is being worn by women in order for them to avoid being raped.  However in this context the opposite can also be true in the most horrifying way.  Within the Sharia law ideology, if a woman is not wearing a hijab, it is sometimes interpreted that she is a legitimate target for rape, as often demonstrated by Muslim migrants in Europe, for example.

A study in France showed that 77% of women in France wear the Hijabs because of threats from their Islamic community.

The activist Robert Spencer documents many horrifying atrocities that are perpetrated on Muslim woman throughout the world who do not wear the hijab in the article  “Muslims, Our Natural Allies?

The leftist establishment as represented by people such as Barack Obama often say that “every woman should have the right to wear a hijab,” but true humanitarians should instead focus on making sure that Muslim women have the right not to wear hijabs without fear of horrible repercussions.

Aqsa Parvez was a 16 year old girl in Toronto, Canada, who was killed by her Pakistani father in 2007 when he found out that she was not wearing her hijab while attending school.

Many women who are imprisoned by hijabs actually ingratiate themselves and rationalize their situations to convince themselves that they are wearing it of their own free will, when the reality is actually otherwise.

Seattle public school teachers are planning a mass “Black Lives Matter” demonstration

“About 1,000 teachers in the Seattle Public Schools district have ordered Black Lives Matter T-shirts to be worn next week, as they plan to present curriculum and support student activism related to closing the opportunity gap between students of different races.”

See the full KIRO 7 article.

[NOTE— Updated May 3, 2020:  Apparently none of the 1,000 teachers are aware that “Black Lives Matter” is a part of an anti-black agenda.  See this link for more information.]