A University of British Columbia female student was attacked with a knife by a Saudi Muslim student in her dorm room

Mary Hale, an 18 year old British Columbia Student was attacked in her dorm room at the University of British Columbia by a fellow student who is an immigrant from Saudi Arabia that was enrolled in a special program for first-year international students.

Mary Hale, a UBS student who was attacked Tuesday morning

Following is a summary of this CBC article:  

Eighteen-year-olds Luca Berg and Adam Casey

Eighteen-year-olds Adam Casey and Luca Berg are credited with saving the life of Mary Hale, who was being choked on the floor by a student Thamer Hameed Almestadi in a dorm of the University of British Columbia.  They learned of the attack after running into distraught girls in the hallway who were frantically trying to find people to help her.

Casey said he had five years of marital arts training, and he put Almestadi into a chokehold.  When Berg arrived he attacked the assailant’s legs which were around her neck and removed them, allowing her to get out of the room to safety.  They both then held Almestadi until the police arrived.