“See No Sharia: ‘Countering Violent Extremism’ and the Disarming of America’s First Lines of Defense” (Civilization Jihad Reader Series Volume 9)

[NOTE:  Following is a press release detailing a monograph released from the Center For Security Policy entitled “‘See No Sharia: ‘Countering Violent Extremism’ and the Disarming of America’s First Lines of Defense.”  It is Volume 9 in an nine part Civilization Jihad Series.  

This monograph explains that under both Republican and Democratic administrations, Islamists through the Muslim Brotherhood have gained access to policymakers in the White House, the FBI, and Departments of State, Justice, Defense, and Homeland Security.  It describes the trajectory flowing from such penetration and subversion manifesting in purging training programs, limitations on surveillance, case-making and rules of engagement, and eschewing anything that gives “offense” to Muslims.  The book also gives specific recommendations on how to restore the FBI and other law enforcement, the Department of Homeland Security, the military and the intelligence community.]


Video: “See no Sharia:  How our first lines of defense have been disarmed”

April 13, 2016

(Washington, D.C.):  For much of the past fifteen years, the United States government has failed to understand, let alone decisively defeat, the enemy that, under the banner of its al Qaeda franchise, murderously attacked our country on September 11, 2001.  The reason why that has been so – notwithstanding the bravery and skill of our men and women in uniform and the expenditure of hundreds of billions of dollars – has been unclear to most Americans, including some in government.  Until now.

With the publication by the Center for Security Policy of a new book by two of its leaders, President Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. and Vice President Clare Lopez, “See No Sharia: ‘Countering Violent Extremism’ and the Disarming of America’s First Lines of Defense”, the case has been forcefully made that this sorry state of affairs is a product of a sustained and highly successful influence operation by Islamic supremacists.  Under both Republican and Democratic administrations, Islamists in general and the Muslim Brotherhood in particular have gained access to and considerable sway over policymakers in the White House, the FBI and the Departments of State, Justice, Defense and Homeland Security.

See No Sharia describes the trajectory that has flowed from such penetration and subversion.  It traces how fact-based counterterrorism and law enforcement have inexorably been supplanted by an approach defined by accommodations demanded by Islamists – purged lexicons and training programs, limitations on surveillance, case-making and rules of engagement and above all, eschewing anything that gives “offense” to Muslims.

In addition to showing the perils associated with such policies and practices as America faces the growing threat of global jihad and its animating doctrine of sharia, this book provides specific recommendations as to how to restore our first lines of defense – the FBI and other law enforcement, the Department of Homeland Security, the military and the intelligence community – whose effective service is needed today more than ever.

Frank Gaffney noted,

“       Americans expect government officials to fulfill their oaths of office by protecting the Constitution, the Republic it established and its people from all enemies, foreign and domestic. The vast majority of our public servants yearn to do their duty.  Yet, as See No Sharia makes plain, for at least a decade and a half, they have been obliged to conform to policies that greatly diminish their chances for success.  We simply cannot afford to disarm those in our first lines of defense against Islamic supremacism and its jihad – both the violent kind and the stealthy sort the Muslim Brotherhood calls ‘civilization jihad.’”

Clare Lopez added,

“       As a career intelligence professional, the extent to which our policymaking apparatus has been penetrated and subverted by Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist operatives is deeply problematic.  This book is meant to expose their handiwork – and to impel the urgently needed and long-overdue policy course-correction.”

The Center for Security Policy is proud to present this monograph as the latest in its Civilization Jihad Reader Series.


This monograph can be downloaded from its website as a PDF for free, or purchased as a printed volume or Kindle from Amazon.

The rest of the monographs in the series can be viewed at:   http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/civilization-jihad-reader-series/

“Gulen and the Gulenist Movement: Turkey’s Islamic Supremacist Cult and its Contributions to the Civilization Jihad” (Civilization Jihad Reader Series Volume 8)

[NOTE:  Following is a press release detailing a monograph released from the Center For Security Policy entitled “‘Gulen and the Gulenist Movement:  Turkey’s Islamic Supremacist Cult and its Contributions to the Civilization Jihad.”  It is Volume 8 in an nine part Civilization Jihad Series.  

The Muslim Brotherhood has been waging a stealthy effort of “civilization jihad,” and one of the prime practitioners in the U.S. is the Gulen Movement, which is a cult / business empire led by a Turkish expatriate in Pennsylvania.  This monograph talks about the cult’s success in advancing the Islamic supremacist agenda through various means including operating a large chain of publicly funded “charter” public schools throughout the U.S., and illegally funding more than 200 trips to Turkey for members of Congress since 2008.]


Video: “Islamic supremacism does business in u.s. via a Turkish cult:  Gulen movement is an engine for ‘Civilization jihad’”

December 18, 2015

It has become increasingly apparent that the United States is not only confronting a violent effort by Islamic supremacists to impose the program they call shariah on the rest of the world, Muslim and non-Muslim, alike.  Dangerous as jihadist terrorism is, America – and the rest of the Free World, for that matter – also face what amounts to a pre-violent assault.

The Muslim Brotherhood calls this stealthy, seditious effort to “destroy us from within” a “civilization jihad.”  One of its prime practitioners in this country is the Gulen Movement, a cult/business empire led by a reclusive Turkish expatriate, Fethullah Gulen, who operates from within an armed camp in the Poconos.

This movement and its penetration of our country is the subject of an important new monograph published as part of the Center for Security Policy’s Civilization Jihad Reader Series: The Gulen Movement: Turkey’s Islamic Supremacist Cult and Its Contribution to Civilization Jihad in America.  It is co-authored by two members of the Center’s senior leadership team: Vice President for Outreach Christopher Holton and Clare Lopez, Vice President for Research and Analysis.

As The Gulen Movement monograph makes clear, one of the most troubling aspects of this cult is its success in advancing the Islamic supremacist agenda – albeit under the guise of Turkish nationalism – via one of the fastest-growing networks of publicly funded charter schools in the United States.

Fethullah Gulen is wanted on multiple international arrest warrants issued by the regime of his one-time ally, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.  Here in the United States, government investigators are also looking into numerous allegations against the Gulen Movement involving: indoctrination, influence operations, salary-kickback schemes, visa system abuse and more.

In fact, the allegations against the Gulen Movement extend all the way to the U.S. Congress.  In late October 2015, a USA Today investigation revealed that the Gulen Movement had illegally funded more than 200 trips to Turkey for Members of Congress since 2008.  It did so using false disclosure statements that concealed their Gulen sponsorship from both the legislators and the House Ethics Committee, which had been misled into approving member- and/or staff participation in the trips.

Thus, in spite of the Gulen Movement’s carefully projected image of harmony, interfaith dialogue, and tolerance, a far more troubling picture is beginning to emerge that the Center believes warrants a closer look.  In praise of this new Center publication, Center for Security Policy President Frank Gaffney said:

“       In short, the Gulen Movement in Turkey, the United States, and worldwide promotes a far-more problematic program than its adherents would have us believe.  It is not a benign cultural and educational institution, or even a billion-plus dollar commercial empire.  Rather, it is a prime practitioner of civilization jihad, enabling the spread of the Islamic supremacism’s shariah doctrine under the banner of a Turkey that aspires to renew its role as the Caliphate of the Ottoman empire’s glory days.”

“       U.S school districts, parents and students, federal, state and local governments, media organizations and academic institutions have clearly been successfully targeted by the Gulenists’ influence operations.  It is essential that we expose the true nature and civilization jihadist ambitions of Gulen’s taxpayer-subsidized educational empire and the favors its parent movement has deployed – notably, via all-expenses-paid trips to Turkey.  This monograph makes an important contribution to that end.”

The Center for Security Policy is proud to present this monograph as a superb addition to its Civilization Jihad Reader Series.


This monograph can be downloaded from its website as a PDF for free, or purchased as a printed volume or Kindle from Amazon.

The rest of the monographs in the series can be viewed at:   http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/civilization-jihad-reader-series/

“Offensive and Defensive Lawfare: Fighting Civilization Jihad in America’s Courts” (Civilization Jihad Reader Series Volume 7)

[NOTE:  Following is a press release detailing a monograph released from the Center For Security Policy entitled “‘Offensive and Defensive Lawfare: Fighting Civilization Jihad in America’s Courts.”  It is Volume 7 in an nine part Civilization Jihad Series.  

This monograph talks about Islamic Jurisprudence in the U.S. to compel submission to Shariah law, and it details recommendations for a strategy to defend the U.S. Constitution from any further encroachment by such Islamic laws.]


Video: “New monograph illuminates the civilization jihadists’  ‘Lawfare’ against America – and how it can be fought”

October 27, 2015

Contact:  Adam Savit | savit@securefreedom.org |  202-719-2413

In “Offensive and Defensive Lawfare:  Fighting Civilization Jihad in America’s Courts”, David Yerushalmi, Esq., Director of the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) and General Counsel for the Center for Security Policy, and AFLC co-founder Robert J. Muise, Esq. describe the use by our Islamic supremacist enemies of U.S. jurisprudence to compel submission to the doctrine they call shariah.  As with so many other facets of the Muslim Brotherhood’s stealthy, pre-violent jihad against this country, most of us are unaware that such lawfare is taking place, let alone with such deleterious effects.

Even more importantly, Messrs. Yerushalmi and Muise lay out their recommendations for an offensive strategy to defend the U.S. Constitution and the rights it guarantees our countrymen and women from any further encroachment by Islamic law.  In stark contrast to the longstanding use of such techniques to intimidate or suppress freedom-loving peoples, offensive lawfare against the Brotherhood and its ilk is a relatively nascent area of the law, in which the authors are true pioneers and formidable innovators.

Center for Security Policy President Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. said on the occasion of the publication of the latest monograph in the Center’s Civilization Jihad Reader Series:

“       In Offensive and Defensive Lawfare, David Yerushalmi and Robert Muise, have added to the great service they perform for the nation every day through their public interest law firm’s pro bono representation of exponents of religious and other freedoms. We hope that this treatment of their battlespace – with its clear depiction of the Islamic supremacists’ lawfare and insights into how this front of the civilization jihad can best be countered – will inspire many other accomplished litigators to join the authors in this fight.”

The Center for Security Policy/Secure Freedom is proud to present this monograph as a superb addition to its Civilization Jihad Reader Series.


This monograph can be downloaded from its website as a PDF for free, or purchased as a printed volume or Kindle from Amazon.

The rest of the monographs in the series can be viewed at:   http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/civilization-jihad-reader-series/

“‘Bridge-Building’ to Nowhere: The Catholic Church’s Case Study in Interfaith Delusion” (Civilization Jihad Reader Series Volume 6)

[NOTE:  Following is a press release detailing a monograph released from the Center For Security Policy entitled “‘Bridge-Building’ to Nowhere: The Catholic Church’s Case Study in Interfaith Delusion.”  It is Volume 6 in an nine part Civilization Jihad Series.  

This monograph talks about how the Catholic Church’s “interfaith dialog” movement is a strategy for edging Catholics toward dislocation as to pave the insinuation of Shariah law into American faith communities and society in general.  Adam Savit notes the Church’s priority of interfaith relationships over advocacy on behalf of Christians being slaughtered by “co-religionists of their Muslim interfaith partners” in many parts of the world.]


Video:  “New paperback exposes ‘interfaith dialogue movement’ and how the Muslim Brotherhood has co-opted the misguided intentions of the Catholic Church”

September 23, 2015

Contact:  Adam Savit | savit@securefreedom.org |  202-719-2413

In this new monograph, adapted from Annex 1 of his superb recent book, “Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad”, Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy Stephen Coughlin explains what’s really behind the so-called ‘interfaith dialogue movement’ and how the Muslim Brotherhood has co-opted the well-meaning but misguided intentions of the Catholic Church in particular.  Mr. Coughlin’s expertise in the nexus between Islamic Law (shariah) and Islamic terrorism informs his exposure of the manipulative Brotherhood strategy to use the interfaith dialogue arena as an opportunity to edge Catholics toward a dislocation of faith so as to pave the way for the insinuation of shariah into American faith communities and society in general.

At a time when Vatican policy seems to many to have become unmoored from the traditional doctrinal teachings of the Church in ways advanced by the permissive environment of the interfaith dialogue movement, including tolerance of anti-Constitutional, anti-Western, shariah-based Islamic principles as well as those who promote them, this publication hits home hard.  As Mr. Coughlin points out, it is intellectually impossible to adhere faithfully to Church doctrine and yet grant acceptance to principles that are fundamentally opposed to such precepts at the same time.  Only a dislocation of Catholic faith could allow such moral equivalence.  Ultimately, as he argues, the objective of Islamic supremacists is the prioritization of interfaith relationships over advocacy on behalf of fellow Christians being slaughtered elsewhere by the co-religionists of their Muslim interfaith partners—in other words, the neutralization of the Catholic faith community as a serious obstacle to the encroachment of shariah.

In praise of this new Center publication, Center for Security Policy President Frank Gaffney said,

“       While the interfaith dialogue movement presents itself as a laudable effort to ‘bridge’ the distance between faiths, those more familiar with the doctrine of the Muslim Brotherhood know that the actual agenda of too many such efforts is, in fact, modeled after the well-known dictum of Sayyid Qutb, who candidly reminded Muslims that such a ‘bridge’ is ‘only so that the people of Jahiliyyah [society of unbelievers] may come over to Islam.”

The Center for Security Policy/Secure Freedom is proud to present this monograph as a superb addition to its Civilization Jihad Reader Series.


This monograph can be downloaded from its website as a PDF for free, or purchased as a printed volume or Kindle from Amazon.

The rest of the monographs in the series can be viewed at:   http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/civilization-jihad-reader-series/

“Star-Spangled Shariah: The Rise of America’s First Muslim Brotherhood Party” (Civilization Jihad Reader Series Volume 5)

[NOTE:  Following is a press release detailing a monograph released from the Center For Security Policy entitled “Star-Spangled Shariah: The Rise of America’s First Muslim Brotherhood Party.”  It is Volume 5 in a nine part Civilization Jihad Series.  

This monograph describes a political party in the Unites States called “The U.S. Council on Muslim Organizations” (USCMO), which is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood organization which is intent on executing a “Civilization-Jihad Process” of undermining and subjugating Western society from within.]


Video:  “New monograph exposes self-described ‘political party’ dedicated to Muslim Brotherhood program of civilization jihad in the U.S.”

September 15, 2015

Contact:  Adam Savit | savit@securefreedom.org

The U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s stated goal in America is to “destroy the Western civilization from within.”  “Star-Spangled Shariah: The Rise of America’s First Muslim Brotherhood Party” shows the newest weapon in their arsenal for doing so – a self-described “political Party” called the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO).  This new monograph “connects the dots” between the Brotherhood’s secret plan to impose Shariah here and the insidious use it intends to make of our democratic political system to that end.

The USCMO understands that in order for it to succeed, the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood must be galvanized to the execution of the “Civilization-Jihadist Process” – a term taken from a key 1991 Brotherhood document, “An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America,” submitted as evidence by the Justice Department in the landmark 2008 U.S. v Holy Land Foundation, et al. HAMAS terror funding trial:

“       The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers, so that is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

By its nature, the object of such a stealthy form of jihad is to ensure that the target community remains unaware of the extent of the threat until it is too late.  It is our purpose with this volume and the other monographs of the Center’s Civilization Jihad Reader Series to raise the alarm and to engage the American people and their elected representatives in countering this threat while there is still time.

Center for Security Policy President Frank Gaffney said of the new Civilization Jihad Reader:

“       The Muslim Brotherhood agenda for the United States demonstrably seeks through subversive infiltration of American institutions the triumph of shariah. We are now on notice that U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations is simply the leading edge of the jihadist movement in this country. While the USCMO seeks to cloak itself in red, white, and blue, it is only for the purpose of accomplishing what can aptly be described as ‘Star Spangled Shariah.’”

The Center for Security Policy/Secure Freedom is proud to present this monograph as a superb addition to its Civilization Jihad Reader Series.


This monograph can be downloaded from its website as a PDF for free, or purchased as a printed volume or Kindle from Amazon.

The rest of the monographs in the series can be viewed at:   http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/civilization-jihad-reader-series/

“The Red-Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase America” (Civilization Jihad Reader Series Volume 4)

[NOTE:  Following is a press release detailing a monograph released from the Center For Security Policy entitled “The Red-Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase America.”  It is Volume 4 in a nine part Civilization Jihad Series.  

This monograph details the networks of radical left non-profits, foundations, government agencies, and the people behind them that are using refugee resettlement as a pretext for importing waves of mostly Muslim immigrants as a key part of Obama’s strategy of “fundamentally transforming” America.  Issues discussed include how migrants are taught how to capitalize on welfare programs, how government resettlement contractors receive $1 billion annually in Federal tax funding, and how Obama’s “Welcoming America” initiative seeks to “seed” refugees throughout communities and “weed out pockets of resistance” by vilifying anyone opposing the agenda.]


Video:  “Refugee resettlement report heralds existential threat to America”

July 23, 2015

Contact:  Adam Savit | savit@securefreedom.org

Washington, D.C.: The Center for Security Policy today released a new paperback version of the monograph by investigative journalist James Simpson:  The Red-Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase America.

This report extensively details the networks of radical left non-profits, foundations, government agencies and the personalities behind them.  Unbeknownst to most Americans they are using refugee resettlement as a pretext to import waves of immigrants from third-world nations as a key front in Obama’s strategy of “fundamentally transforming” America.  These refugees have little interest in assimilating.  Many are from Muslim countries, view immigration as “Hijra” i.e. a subversive means to invade a foreign nation, and have demonstrated a willingness to either support or engage in terrorism both in America and abroad.

These groups are coached by leftist non-profits to capitalize on our generous welfare programs and shown how to maneuver around legal impediments – all at our expense – but are not being taught how to assimilate.  The report conservatively estimates welfare costs at $10 billion per year.   Additionally, government resettlement contractors receive $1 billion annually in federal tax dollars and non-profits supporting the agenda are provided billions of dollars from non-profits like George Soros’ Open Society Institute.

The President has launched a “Welcoming America” initiative which seeks to “seed” refugees throughout our communities and weed out “pockets of resistance” with a full-throated effort vilifying anyone opposing his radical agenda.  It is literally an offensive to erase American laws, traditions and culture, and replace them with a pliable, multi-cultural society that will vote the Left into the “permanent progressive majority” it seeks.

Center for Security Policy President, Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. states:

“       Jim Simpson has done a characteristically exacting investigation of the extent to which the red-green axis – the radical left, with its activists, contractors, philanthropies and friends in the Obama administration, and Islamic supremacists – have joined forces to use U.S. refugee resettlement programs as a prime means to achieve the ‘fundamental transformation’ of America. His expose is particularly timely against the backdrop of the government sponsored effort to ‘Welcome New Americans’ and suppress those who understand the imperative of “resisting” the migration to and colonization of this country, or hijra, that Shariah-adherent Muslim believed they are required to undertake.”

The Center for Security Policy/Secure Freedom is proud to present Mr. Simpson’s monograph as a superb addition to its Civilization Jihad Reader Series.


This monograph can be downloaded from its website as a PDF for free, or purchased as a printed volume or Kindle from Amazon.

The rest of the monographs in the series can be viewed at:   http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/civilization-jihad-reader-series/

Onlookers were horrified in Canada as a man stabbed an elderly woman repeatedly in the face in a random attack


Following is a summary of this Toronto Sun article

A man ambushed an elderly woman at random in Windsor, Ontario, stabbing her repeatedly in the face and leaving her screaming and bleeding on the sidewalk.  She suffered serious injuries.

Jennyfer Demers, who helped the victim, said “She was screaming at the top of her lungs, like five or six times.  When I came up I saw the guy running away, so I didn’t really get a clear picture of him.  I helped her up off the ground and she was bleeding from her face and her eye area.  There was blood everywhere.  She was clearly shaken up.  It happened so quickly, it was a shock.  When I helped her up, the knife was sitting literally right there and there was blood on it.  She was still screaming.”

Const. Andrew Drouillard said, “… [W]hat is disturbing about this, it appears to be some random act of violence.  This male approached this elderly female from behind when she was walking and just assaulted her and took off from the scene.  We don’t know what the motive is at this time.”


The attack happened outside a hair salon where Demers was working.  She and some other women rushed out to help the woman and brought her into the salon.  Employees had to clean up large pools of blood from the front of the salon after the paramedics took the woman away.

Police spent the afternoon scouring the Ottawa Street area for witnesses and surveillance cameras as they tried to piece together what happened.  Police say they had the suspect in custody by 5 p.m.

Kim Spirou, who owns the hair salon where Demers was working at, was stunned when she watched the surveillance video, “He crossed the street very deliberately, you could tell he was targeting her.  He caught up to her and stabbed her right in front of the salon.”

Four local schools were on lockdown Wednesday afternoon, and parents were picking up their children at the schools by 5 p.m, shortly after the attacker was found and apprehended.

“The Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s Jihad on Free Speech” (Civilization Jihad Reader Series Volume 3)

[NOTE:  Following is a press release detailing a monograph released from the Center For Security Policy entitled “The Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s Jihad on Free Speech.”  It is Volume 3 in a nine part Civilization Jihad Series

This monograph talks about the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) trying to silence and ultimately criminalize all criticism of Islam, especially in America and the West.  The OIC is working through UN resolutions, multilateral conferences and other international vehicles to advance its agenda of combating so-called “Islamophobia” and “defamation of religions,” but in practice it means banning any discussion of Islamic supremacism and its many manifestations including: jihadist terrorism, persecution of religious minorities and human rights violations committed in the name of Islam.]


Video: “How team Obama helps the Organization of Islamic Cooperation wage jihad on freedom of expression”

8 July 2015

Samantha Nerove, sam@anelisgroup.com, (703) 504-8856

Washington, D.C.:  The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the largest Islamic organization in the world – comprised of 56 UN Member states plus the Palestinian Authority — has long been trying to silence, and ultimately criminalize, all criticism of Islam, specifically targeting America and the West.  What has largely gone unremarked is the help the OIC has received from the Obama administration to this end.

Deborah Weiss, attorney, author and expert on Islamist efforts to stifle free speech reveals in a new monograph published by the Center for Security Policy Press how the OIC is working through UN resolutions, multilateral conferences and other international vehicles to advance its agenda.  The goal of these efforts, according to the OIC’s 10-year program of action, which was launched in 2005, is to combat so-called ‘Islamophobia’ and ‘defamation of religions.’ In practice, this means banning any discussion of Islamic supremacism and its many manifestations including: jihadist terrorism, persecution of religious minorities and human rights violations committed in the name of Islam.

Upon the publication of her monograph entitled, The Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s Jihad on Free Speech, Ms. Weiss remarked:

“       The Organization of Islamic Cooperation is the largest and most powerful voting bloc in the United Nations and yet most Americans have never heard of it.  Of particular concern is the OIC’s ten-year program which amounts to an international effort to suppress freedom of expression under the guise of protecting Islam from so-called ‘defamation.’ This initiative, however, is in the service of OIC’s long-term mission: the world-wide implementation of Shariah, a legal-political-judicial-religious doctrine which favors Muslims over non-Muslims, men over women, and denies basic human rights and freedoms.”

Ms. Weiss’ monograph documents how the Obama Administration has collaborated with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in ways that, whether intentional or unwitting, have advanced the OIC’s supremacist agenda.  As it happens, recently released State Department documents obtained by Judicial Watch through court-enforced Freedom of Information Act requests underscore the extent of Team Obama’s collusion with the OIC.

Specifically, these emails offer insights into how, in September 2012, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the White House worked with the OIC to fabricate a narrative that falsely blamed an online video “Innocence of Muslims” for the violent uprising at the U.S. special mission compound and CIA annex in Benghazi, Libya.

In the immediate aftermath of the attacks, the documents reveal that the Obama administration immediately went into damage-limitation mode, with a well-coordinated effort to scapegoat the video as the cause of the attack.  Rashad Hussain, President Obama’s envoy to the OIC, reached out to the Organization’s leadership urging it to condemn the “anti-Islamic film” and “its related violence” and to respond in a way that is “consistent with Islamic principles.”

The OIC readily obliged, issuing a statement accusing the video of “incitement” – though nothing in the video called for violence against Muslims – and claiming that it “hurt the religious sentiments of Muslims” and “demonstrated serious repercussions of abuse of freedom of expression.”

The effect was to reinforce the OIC’s goal to protect Islam from “defamation” instead of supporting the US Constitutional principle of free expression.

In her monograph, Ms. Weiss elucidates examples of the escalating assault on freedom of expression that the OIC has launched against the West and their implications.  She describes the critical role freedom of speech plays in preserving religious freedom, human rights and national security efforts. As she correctly points out, “If you look around the world, you will see that freedom is the exception, not the rule.”

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., President of the Center for Security Policy, observed that:

“       Deborah Weiss’ important new book is a clarion call to Americans and their federal representatives to end all cooperation with the Islamic supremacists of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, including cessation of participation in the anti-free speech ‘Istanbul Process’ launched by Hillary Clinton during her tenure as Secretary of State. Citizens and policy-makers alike should, instead, commit themselves vigorously and unapologetically to freedom of expression – including to its employment as an indispensable weapon in the execution of a comprehensive strategy to defeat the Global Jihad Movement.”

The Center for Security Policy/Secure Freedom is proud to present Ms. Weiss’s monograph as a superb addition to its Civilization Jihad Reader Series.


This monograph can be downloaded from its website as a PDF for free, or purchased as a printed volume or Kindle from Amazon.

The rest of the monographs in the series can be viewed at:   http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/civilization-jihad-reader-series/

“Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America” (Civilization Jihad Reader Series Volume 2)

[NOTE:  Following is a press release detailing a monograph released from the Center For Security Policy entitled “Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America.”  It is Volume 2 in a nine part Civilization Jihad Series.  

This monograph discusses the issue of the U.S. State Department stealthily relocating Muslim refugees into unsuitable rural communities all over the United States, and it details efforts to halt the process.]


Video: “Muslim colonization of America:  The Hijra and the hijacking of America’s refugee resettlement program”

April 20, 2015

For More Information Contact:  Alex VanNess | vanness@securefreedom.org | (202) 835-9077

Washington, D.C. — Last week, the chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security, Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, wrote the Department of State demanding that it halt the resettlement of refugees in the city of Spartanburg in his district.  In his letter dated April 15, 2015, Congressman Gowdy objected to the “lack of notice, information and consultation afforded to me and my constituents” and posed seventeen pointed questions, including (as paraphrased by Politico):

— Why and when was his district approved [as a refugee resettlement site]?

— What steps were taken to notify local government officials and whether they approved the plan, and where funds for the office and the refugees will come from?

— When are the first refugees expected to arrive?

— What benefits are they entitled to?

— How many will be resettled?

— What is their country of origin?

— Who is responsible for housing, employment and education services for them?

Rep. Gowdy was particularly concerned about the security implications of this immigrant migration.  He asked: “Do any of the refugees to be resettled in the Spartanburg area have criminal convictions? If so, for what crimes has each been convicted?” And “Please explain the background-check process performed on refugees scheduled to be resettled in Spartanburg.

The necessity for such congressional oversight has been underscored by an important new monograph by Ann Corcoran entitled, “Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America,” which was published today as part of the Center for Security Policy’s Civilization Jihad Reader Series.

Ms. Corcoran documents that Muslim immigration as a form of jihad via colonization called hijra dates back to the time of Mohammed.  In fact, she quotes hadith sources that assert that migration is a religious obligation for Muslims to spread Islam and build the Islamic state.  She also cites longtime Libyan leader, Muammar Qaddafi, who once said that Europe would be conquered without guns and swords, but with Muslim migrants overrunning the continent.  A powerful new documentary by Martin Mawyer called “Europe’s Last Stand; America’s Final Warning”  illustrates just how accurate this prediction is proving to be.

As practiced today, the hijra strategy is an important part of a covert, pre-violent “civilization jihad” pursued by the Muslim Brotherhood.  The UN High Commission on Refugees – which, like the rest of the United Nations, is dominated by the dictates of the Islamic supremacist organization known as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) – is complicit in the process of bringing Muslim refugees to America.  Interestingly, no Muslim refugees are ever resettled in wealthy, low-population density Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia.

Particularly troubling is the evidence that Ms. Corcoran compiles concerning the secrecy surrounding this U.S. refugee resettlement program.  She provides estimates of how many Muslim immigrants have been quietly resettled in American communities with no local input.  And she discusses the State Department’s primary targets in the United States for Muslim resettlement and showcases models to be found in communities that are resisting this program.

In her book, Ms. Corcoran recounts her personal trajectory from typical, uniformed citizen to a national authority on refugee resettlement policies and programs, the focus of her highly acclaimed blog, Refugee Resettlement Watch.  It began in 2007, when large numbers of Muslim Meskhetian Turks were quietly resettled by the U.S. State Department in her hometown in Western Maryland, prompting her to research intensively what was afoot.

Although the author and other concerned local residents succeeded in that instance in blocking the dumping of immigrants that are, as a practical matter, unlikely ever to assimilate, the episode led Ms. Corcoran to the discovery of a frightening pattern:  Across the United States, the federal government is attempting stealthily to relocate Muslim immigrants into unsuspecting and often unsuitable rural communities.  She found that the affected locals, and even states, are totally by-passed in a resettlement process effectively driven by the United Nations, with U.S. agencies playing a clearly subordinate and non-sovereign role.

In addition, Ms. Corcoran has documented how U.S. officials stubbornly refuse to answer affected communities’ questions about Muslim resettlement.  In fact, the State Department went so far as to stop holding townhalls and meetings in Washington, DC to discus after local community representatives began to attend.

Center for Security Policy President Frank Gaffney said of the new Civilization Jihad Reader:

“       Ann Corcoran’s report is required reading for anyone worried about the threat to America from the global jihad movement. She has provided shocking details of how a stealth effort by jihadists to advance their stated goal of ‘destroying Western civilization from within’ is being abetted by the U.S. government.”

“       It is to be profoundly hoped that Ms. Corcoran’s analysis will raise awareness of this problem and that, especially with the concern being expressed by influential legislators like Congressman Trey Gowdy, it will help force U.S. officials to halt a dangerous refugee resettlement program. Her suggestions about what average citizens can do to catalyze such changes amounts, moreover, to a real public service.”


This monograph can be downloaded from its website as a PDF for free, or purchased as a printed volume or Kindle from Amazon.

The rest of the monographs in the series can be viewed at:   http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/civilization-jihad-reader-series/

“Shariah in American Courts: The Expanding Incursion of Islamic Law in the U.S. Legal System” (Civilization Jihad Reader Series Volume 1)

[NOTE:  Following is a press release detailing a monograph released from the Center For Security Policy entitled “Shariah in American Courts: The Expanding Incursion of Islamic Law in the U.S. Legal System.”  It is Volume 1 in a nine part Civilization Jihad Series.  

This monograph documents 146 court cases in 32 states where it was was attempted to resolve matters using Sharia law rather than the statues of the States in question.  It explains that the surge in such cases is the result of the activism of Muslim Brotherhood-tied groups like the Association of Muslim Jurists of America (AMJA), and it also explains that Tennessee, Louisiana, Arizona, Kansas, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Washington and Alabama have adopted ALAC’s prohibitions against the use of such foreign laws in their respective state courts if they are at odds with constitutional rights or state public policy.]


5 January 2015

(Washington, D.C.):  Center for Security Policy Press today launched a collection of monographs called the Civilization Jihad Reader Series with the publication of an update to an earlier and highly influential study concerning the insinuation of Islam’s supremacist shariah legal code into the U.S. judiciary.  Entitled “Shariah in American Courts: The Expanding Incursion of Islamic Law in the U.S. Legal System,” this inaugural booklet documents 146 cases in 32 states in which a party to litigation attempted to have the matter resolved by applying shariah, rather than the statutes of the state in question.

The Center first raised an alarm about the penetration of American jurisprudence by one of the most anti-constitutional of such foreign legal codes with its 2011 report, “Shariah Law and American State Courts: An Assessment of State Appellate Court Cases.”  That study examined a sample of fifty cases and found that in twenty-seven of them, in twenty-three different states, the courts in question allowed the use of shariah, generally to the detriment of women and/or children whose rights under our Constitution were infringed.

With the bedrock of the American Republic being the U.S. Constitution and individual state constitutions derived therefrom, these analyses provide insights into how our own legal system can be – and is being – used as a mechanism to anchor and expand in this country shariah, an ideology wholly at odds with such documents and, more generally, irreconcilable with freedom and democracy.

Most Americans take the rule of law and our constitutional rights for granted.  Yet, Shariah in American Courts is a reminder of how even institutions like our judiciary can be influenced – and potentially subverted – by foreign legal codes and practices, to the grave detriment of our nation and liberties.

This monograph also suggests that the effort to invoke shariah in U.S. courts is expanding.  Worse yet, the total number of such cases is surely far larger in light of the fact that the proceedings of the vast majority of them are not published.

As the new monograph establishes, moreover, there is reason to believe that the surge in such cases is the result of the activism of Muslim Brotherhood-tied groups like the Association of Muslim Jurists of America (AMJA).  The Brotherhood is an Islamic supremacist organization whose mission according to its secret plan (The Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal of the Group in North America), is to “destroy Western Civilization from within.”

The good news is that, at least at the appellate level, judges appear increasingly to be rejecting the use of shariah in their courtrooms.  A contributing factor to these rulings may be the rising awareness in the judiciary of what is afoot, thanks to the adoption in numerous states of legislation drawing upon a model statute known as “American Laws for American Courts” (ALAC).

While the average citizen of this country would assume it to be the case that only laws derived from or consistent with our Constitution would be applied in U.S. courts at both the federal and state level, the evidence that foreign laws – including, but not limited to, shariah – are encroaching has moved legislatures across the country to act.  Tennessee, Louisiana, Arizona, Kansas, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Washington and Alabama have adopted ALAC’s prohibitions against the use of such foreign laws in their respective state courts if they are at odds with constitutional rights or state public policy.  (Florida also enacted in 2014 a version of this legislation).

In unveiling the release of the Center for Security Press’ newest publication, the Center’s President Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., observed:

“       The Center is delighted to be putting a spotlight on the Muslim Brotherhood’s stealthy, pre-violent jihad in America.  It behooves each of us to become knowledgeable about the presence in our judicial system – and, for that matter, in other civil society and governing institutions – of forces seeking the destruction of our Republic.”

The Civilization Jihad Reader Series is intended not only to provide factual evidence of the extent to which this attempt to destroy us from within is advancing, but what patriots can do to prevent it.  We recommend as a step towards countering the subversion of our legal system the adoption by every state in the Union of “American Laws for American Courts.”


This monograph can be downloaded from its website as a PDF for free, or purchased as a printed volume or Kindle from Amazon.

The rest of the monographs in the series can be viewed at:   http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/civilization-jihad-reader-series/