In this video migrants are rioting in Paris in 2016, which the mainstream media almost never reports. In the footage some police officers are seriously injured including one that was shot in the stomach.
Month: August 2016
Video: “Islam in Norway— Welfare Fraud”
Somalian women in Norway give birth to an average of 3.8 children, with many of them also cheating the system as shown in this video where a woman receives $2,600 each month in benefits by claiming to be single.
Experts are warning that an even bigger immigration surge is on its way to Europe

The head of the Berlin Institute for Population and Development is warning that the largest of the waves of migrants coming to Europe is still on its way.
Following are issues that are explained in an Express UK article:
— While migration figures are currently declining in parts of Europe, it is just the “calm before the storm.”
— The causes of the refugee crisis has not yet changed.
— There is a “tinderbox at the gates of Europe” with huge numbers of migrants preparing to to travel from West Africa to West Asia.
— Thousands of people have left their homes in the middle east due to the conflict.
— Everything must be done for countries with high birth rates to get development opportunities, that way girls do not get married at 14 and have time to form their lives.
— Thousands of migrants are risking their lives crossing the Mediterranean Sea each month.
— Italy is seeing the largest increase in migrants. More than 25,000 arrived in Italy in July alone, which is a 12 percent increase over last year. Most come in flimsy dinghies over the Mediterranean Sea, usually Nigerians and Eritreans.
— 140,000 migrants are now housed in Italian shelters, a seven-fold increase over 2013.
— David Miliband, the former British foreign minister who now heads the International Rescue Committee said: “The forces that are driving more and more people from their homes – weak states, big tumults within the Islamic world, a divided international system. None of these things are likely to abate soon.”
Maps show countries where women’s religious clothing is restricted or mandated by government
Two maps created by the Pew Research Center shows which countries either restrict or mandate specific religious dress for women.
The first map shows the countries which restrict women’s dress, which surprisingly includes most European countries and Canada due to their restricting Muslim clothing such as burkas for women.

The second map shows countries where women are forced by government to wear specific religious attire (all due to Islam).

ISIS terrorists are infiltrating Canada and suspected of plotting attacks, according to a new Canadian report
The following information is summarized from a Washington Free Beacon article: “ISIS Terrorists Infiltrating Canada, Suspected of Plotting Attacks”
The Canadian government has issued a new report warning its citizens that it knows of at least 180 people who have traveled abroad to join terror groups and is tracking 60 “extremist travelers” who have returned to Canada.
More than 40 individuals have been charged with terrorism-related offenses in Canada since 2002, and sixteen people have been charged since January 2015.
Canada’s findings are similar to warnings by US officials saying ISIS affiliates are already living in America.
Points detailed in the report:
— Terrorists returning to Canada after fighting abroad in areas such a Syria “raise serious safety concerns,” and the report warns “a violent act of terrorism could occur in Canada.”
— Canadian authorities have been monitoring a number of Western individuals who have traveled to join terror groups, with some of them making their way back to North America which raises concerns that ISIS is planning attacks on the continent.
— “Since the beginning of the Syrian conflict in 2011, more than 36,500 extremist travelers from over 100 countries, including at least 6,600 individuals from Western countries, have traveled to Syria.”
— Through the end of 2015, the Canadian government “was aware of approximately 180 individuals with a nexus to Canada who were abroad and who were suspected of engaging in terrorism-related activities.”
— “Returning extremist travelers may also raise serious security concerns for their home countries,” and the authorities are aware of “about 60 extremist travelers who had returned to Canada.”
— “The experiences and intentions of these individuals vary. They may have skills, experience and relationships developed abroad that could be used to recruit or inspire individuals in Canada. … [They could] engage in terrorist financing, helping others to travel, or even planning attacks in Canada. The attacks directed by Daesh in Paris and Brussels provide examples. Most of the attackers were returnees linked to Daesh.”
— “The principal terrorist threat to Canada remains that posed by violent extremists who could be inspired to carry out an attack in Canada. … Violent extremist ideologies espoused by terrorist groups like Daesh and al-Qaida continue to appeal to certain individuals in Canada.”
— One person arrested in 2010 was planning to detonate an explosive device upon returning to Canada after he swore an oath of loyalty to al-Qaida and the Taliban. “[He] returned to Canada with expertise and intent to train, finance and equip a terrorist cell in Ottawa. He also maintained contact with terrorists in Iran and Afghanistan while working to recruit other men and raise money to finance a proposed attack.”
Bangladesh police have killed the Canadian ‘mastermind’ of the Dhaka cafe attack
Bangladesh security forces killed three Islamists on Saturday that attacked an upscale cafe in Dhaka last month that killed 22 people, mostly foreigners. Among those killed by the security forces is the 30 year old Bangladesh-born Canadian citizen Tamim Ahmed Chowdhury, who masterminded the cafe attack where the militants singled out non-Muslims and foreigners for being killed, including Italians, Japanese, an American, and an Indian.
The Islamic State had claimed responsibility for the initial attack on the Cafe.
The three were cornered in a hideout in the outskirts of the capital and killed in a gun battle after refusing to surrender.
See a National Post article about the issue, and see a Daily Mail article about the initial cafe attack.
Video: “Merkel’s Migrant Crisis: One Year On”
This video by “Black Pigeon Speaks” talks about the many problems that Europe is facing due to opening its borders to unchecked immigration of often illiterate and hostile immigrants from war zones in the middle east and Africa.
An Oklahoma man mailed a terrorizing anthrax package to his Mosque, and later admitted his Imam instructed him to do so in an elaborate hoax
The following is summarized from this Oklahoman article:
An Oklahoma man was charged with a felony on Wednesday for sending a threatening letter to his mosque that contained a white powder meant to be mistaken for being anthrax, and he was also charged for spray painting anti-Islamic messages on a Halal Grocery Store that was adjacent to the Mosque, then later when questioned by authorities he admitted that the Imam of the Mosque told him to do it.
Justin William Bouma, 32, was charged with a felony count of a crime of “terrorist hoax,” and he was also charged with misdemeanor counts for painting the graffiti.
Bouma has been an attendee of the mosque in the past, and he became a suspect when authorities discovered him sending threatening emails to other mosque members.
The graffiti he painted referred to Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), saying “CAIR not welcome,” as well as mentioning ISIS.
The Imam of the Oklahoma City mosque, Imad Enchassi, called the FBI after opening the package. After the power was tested, it was determined that it was laundry detergent that Bouma placed in the envelope.
Bouma admitted to police on August 18 that he sent the letter to the Mosque and that he painted the anti-Muslim graffiti on the grocery, and he also said that the Imam told him to do it, the affidavit states.
The following is from CAIR’s PR campaign about the attacks where the Imam Imad Enchassi details how he was supposedly victimized:
“Saad Mohammed, director of Islamic news and information for the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City…
Mohammed is chairman of the board for CAIR-Oklahoma.
“I was personally targeted, I think because I’m the chairman of CAIR and I’m the director of news and information for the Islamic Society so who better to target,” he said. “One statement said ‘Saad is not welcome here.’”
Another statement said “CAIR not welcome here,” and the vandals also wrote messages directed at the Islamic Society. The vandalism also mentioned the terrorist group ISIS.
Mohammed said he was not concerned that vandals targeted him by name in one of their messages. He said he takes precautions on a regular basis when he is out in the community so he has no special concerns now.
The Muslim leader said he was pleased with the response from the society’s youth group and the Interfaith Alliance.
“The response was outstanding,” he said. “We will continue educating people and pushing forward and try to bridge this gap of hate.”
A Comparison of the History of Islamic Jihad vs. the History of the Christian Crusades
This video shows a timeline of battles fought and territory acquired by Islam from 620 – 1880, and it also shows the same type of battle and territory timeline for the Christian Crusades which lasted from 1080 – 1100.
The video shows that the Crusades were a relatively minor occurrence compared to the overall Islamic expansion since Muhammad’s death.
The following is a partial transcript from the video:
“Now we can talk about some facts. Yes, there were Crusades, but they ended centuries ago, but Jihad is being practiced today. Jihad has been with us for 1,400 years. There is no comparison between Jihad and the Crusades, certainly not a moral comparison. And when you are looking at Crusades, remember in one sense all crusades were defensive wars. Why? As we saw in the first Jihad map, it was Islam that came out of Arabia and conquered the middle east— a Christian middle east. And so the Crusaders were trying to free their Christian brothers and sisters from Jihad. So there is no moral comparison at all. The motivation of the Crusaders was to free Christians, and the purpose of Jihad was to enslave the Kaffir. So the next time you hear someone talk about those ‘dreadful Crusades’, you’ve seen some facts about the matter. Why don’t you pipe up and tell them, ‘you know, you don’t really know the matter’.”
This list of battles is linked to on the video page.
Also see this article about the issue.
Belgium twice tried to deport an Algerian who attacked two policewomen with a machete

The following information is summarized from this Express UK article:
A migrant from Algeria who attacked two female police officers with a machete in Belgium earlier this month had already been attempted to be deported twice, according to local officials.
The man attacked the two women outside the police station in Charleroi on August 6, lunging and hacking at their heads with a machete while shouting “Allahu Akbar.” One of the victims received severe facial wounds but they have been described to be not life threatening. The other officer was less seriously injured. The attacker was shot in the chest by a third officer and later died.
Police said the suspect was known to authorities for “minor common” offenses but had no known terrorist connections.
Belgium twice tried to deport the man but authorities claim that it is not known how he was able to stay in the country.