A school district in Anne Arundel County, Maryland is implementing extreme policies of catering to transsexual students, including having school teachers and administrators being ordered not to tell parents when transexual males bunk with girls on overnight field trips.
The policies are detailed in a training video which explains how to support transexual students, including specifying regulations about privacy issues which prevent the school district from informing parents about such arrangements.
From the video (below):
“So, many of you might be asking yourselves, ‘So I’m at an overnight field trip, and I have student who’s biologically a male, identifies as a female, and we’ve worked with that student and her family, and that student wants to sleep in the dorms, or whatever sleeping arrangements are, with the females,’” Mr. Mosier says in a video of the training session. “‘They don’t want to sleep in a room by themselves, [sic] they want to sleep with the rest of the females. So what do we do?’”
“And the answer is, they sleep with the females,” he said. “That’s not the easy answer; it’s the right answer. And in some cases, it’s going to cause issues, because … the private information piece doesn’t allow you to share that with parents of all of the other campers. Right? So that’s difficult.”
(Note: relevant portion of the video begins at 27:50)
From the original New American article:
The June training session was given in response to the May Obama administration order dictating that schools should allow students to use whatever bathrooms, locker rooms, and other facilities they wish, in accordance with their self-professed “gender identity.” The order was justified based on Title IX, and that Anne Arundel County and other localities are submitting to it indicates that not only don’t they understand the science behind the “gender” agenda, but they don’t even understand its terminology.
The Times tells us that two “coalitions of states, totaling 24 in all, have sued the administration over the mandate,” prompting a federal judge in Texas on Sunday to grant “a preliminary injunction blocking the edict’s implementation nationwide.” And rightfully so. …
(See the original article for additional aspects of this issue..)