The following information is summarized from this Daily Caller article:
Ledger Woessmann, a professor of economics at the University of Munich has cited a study showing that 65% of Syrian refugees fail to meet international standards of basic reading and writing skills, which cause widespread unemployment and strain social welfare programs.
Half of the refugees are under the age of 25 and can still get an education, but the ability to easily learn to read fades during the late teenage years. Refugees in recent years have struggled to complete basic courses which would prepare them for the job market.
Woessmann says, “We have to prepare ourselves that the majority of young refugees will fail three-year training courses that contain a high level of theory. Seventy percent of trainees from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq who started training two years ago have already dropped out.”
Woessmann suggests such refugees are most suited for practical occupations such as nursing assistants and road work.
The economic returns and solution for an aging population which Angela Merkel had promised will not materialize until 25 year from now, when the children of the migrants enter the workforce.