Following is a summary of this Brietbart article:
A report by the EU’s asylum office said that Afghan parents are sending their children to Europe in large numbers in the hopes they will be granted asylum and then seek reunification with the rest of the families. The report says that last year over 96,000 unaccompanied minors applied for asylum in the EU, which is four times as many as the previous year, and with the majority coming from Afghanistan.
Ward Lutin of the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) said the numbers coming from Afghanistan are “huge.” He said, “Families send out their children, strategically, hoping that they will manage to get a status in Europe, and then use them as anchor children and be reunited with them.”
European countries have also been having many problems with adult migrants lying about being minors in order to take advantage of more lenient rules. Problems arising from this include an incident where a 20 year old man in student accommodations raped a 13 year old girl.