Two thirds of Syrian refugees in Germany can’t read or write even in their own language

Image from Wikipedia.

The following information is summarized from this Daily Caller article:  

Ledger Woessmann, a professor of economics at the University of Munich has cited a study showing that 65% of Syrian refugees fail to meet international standards of basic reading and writing skills, which cause widespread unemployment and strain social welfare programs.

Half of the refugees are under the age of 25 and can still get an education, but the ability to easily learn to read fades during the late teenage years. Refugees in recent years have struggled to complete basic courses which would prepare them for the job market.

Woessmann says, “We have to prepare ourselves that the majority of young refugees will fail three-year training courses that contain a high level of theory.  Seventy percent of trainees from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq who started training two years ago have already dropped out.”

Woessmann suggests such refugees are most suited for practical occupations such as nursing assistants and road work.

The economic returns and solution for an aging population which Angela Merkel had promised will not materialize until 25 year from now, when the children of the migrants enter the workforce.

Germany: Only half of failed asylum seekers actually leave the country after their claims are rejected

Image from BigStockPhoto.

The following is summarized from this Breitbart article

According to a study released by the German government, statistics show that migrants from Syria, Eritrea, and Iraq almost never have their asylum applications rejected, but among those who do only half actually leave Germany and the rest are unaccounted for, reports the Die Weld media outlet.

Forced deportations are extremely rare in Germany, and they are essentially non-existent for countries like Afghanistan or North African nations.  The government said it would like to encourage more voluntary departures and look into expanding its ability to forcibly deport migrants.

Accurate figures about the amount of migrants applying for asylum in Germany are no longer available, and reports have said that the government may not be able to account for as many as 600,000 migrants since to the start of the crisis.

A leaked Soros document reveals Establishment agendas for expanding unfettered immigration, calls the crisis “the new normal”

Following is information that is summarized from this Infowars article:  

Documents have been leaked from George Soros’s Open Society Foundation that reveal its agendas for formulating international immigration policy.  A nine page memo entitled “Migration Governance and Enforcement” leaked by a group called shows that the foundation is intent on expanding immigration and also influencing the public’s attitudes about it at the elite and popular levels.

The foundation views the migrant crisis as an opportunity to expand it’s globalist agenda, with the report stating, “We deliberately avoided the term ‘global governance’ because there is no single system at the global level for managing migration,” going on to say, “The current climate presents new opportunities for reforming migration governance at the global level, whether through the existing multi-lateral system, or by bringing together a range of actors to think more innovatively.”

The document lays out strategies for making use of the immigration crisis to “strengthen norm-setting” and “prevent the violation of migrants’ rights by minimizing harsh border controls and decreasing the widespread use of detention and deportation.”

The report states, “As our aspirations have evolved, our targets have shifted from harm reduction to more proactive solutions-based policy influencing,” and mentions failures to capitalize on opportunities to spur “grassroots level” support for migration, but saying “The refugee crisis is opening new opportunities for this.”

The report then goes on to lament “the rise of the of radical right,” saying immigration advocates’ “traditional arguments are not working,” but the foundation is “experimenting with framings and argumentation, both at elite and popular levels.”

Rather than working out ways to stem the migrant flow, the report instead insists nations including those in Europe and the Mediterranean should accept the “current crisis as the new normal,” and says “There is a need to create more space for reflection, stock-taking and development of mid- and longer-term strategies.”

Also note  PDF of the 9-page report is embedded at the bottom of the Infowars article.